Did your Miami County Indiana ancestors vote in 1922?
Were they registered to vote?
Check the 1922 Voters' Index to find out.
This is a PDF file.Miami County Indiana Worth Remembering
We are looking for people who have a story to tell about people, places and events from Miami County, Indiana's past.   We are in the process of scheduling and conducting interviews If you or someone you know has a Miami County Memory that is worth remembering please considering sharing it by contacting us at: Suffragettes46970@gmail.com.

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Did your Miami County Indiana ancestors vote in 1922?
Were they registered to vote?
Check the 1922 Voters' Index to find out.
These are PDF files.

A-B | C | D-E-F | G-H | I-J-K | L-M | Mc-N-O-P | Q-R | S | T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z

the book

A couple of years ago we started looking for the 1917 women's registration records that then County Clerk Aaron Berger stopped for a short bit.
So far nothing has been found of it or even the historical November 1920 elections.
But Dave Birnell, came across a Voter Registration book for 1922 at the courthouse last year.
With permission from County Clerk Sherry Raber, MCIWR (Miami County Indiana Worth Remembering) digitized this book and is now making it available to all researchers on their webpage.  It is to be used only for personal research and is not to be reprinted without permission or for commercial purposes.
Many thanks to those at the Miami County Courthouse for giving permission to scan and publish these images online.

1922 Voters

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Published May 2022